

How our AI-powered technology is combating climate change

It's about combating climate change by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In the manufacturing world, H2Ok Innovations Co-Founders Annie Lu and David Lu, siblings with a generational manufacturing background, are leading our groundbreaking startup on a mission to transform the industry. Coming from the factory floor, they intimately understand the challenges and opportunities that lie within. Our startup is not just about revolutionizing manufacturing processes; it's about combating climate change by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Unlocking Data for Sustainable Decision-Making and Results

H2Ok Innovations is breaking new ground by unlocking previously untapped data, enabling data-driven decision-making for enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability. The key lies in a sophisticated combination of versatile and scalable spectral-based proprietary sensors, machine learning (ML) edge compute models, and process insights software. Our AI system transforms real-time data into precision process automation, optimizing and addressing real-world problems, from wastewater optimization to real-time product and ingredient quality assurance.

The Heart of Manufacturing: Liquid and Fluid Systems

At the core of our efforts is a focus on liquid and fluid systems—the lifeblood of manufacturing. Our AI IoT helps industries such as Food and Beverage, Personal Care, Nutrition, Chemical, Data Centers, and Pharma meet and exceed sustainability goals and generate revenue. With a passion for solving sustainability challenges, we have many use cases where we use AI and ML to optimize processes in large-scale enterprises with proven and scalable results. This includes significant reductions in water, energy, time, and chemical usage and tackling food waste and product loss through optimizations like changeovers, cleaning/flushing, purging, and Clean-in-Place (CIP).

Impacting other sectors, too.

H2Ok Innovations' innovative solution is a game-changer for manufacturing and also helps other sectors, including:
  • Optimizing Infrastructure: Our AI IoT can optimize facility water and energy usage, particularly in chilled water cooling and HVAC systems.
  • Legacy Equipment Connectivity: H2Ok Innovations can connect older manufacturing equipment that uses different communication protocols and sensors, unlocking valuable data and extending the life of existing assets.
  • Monitoring Water Usage: By monitoring water usage and quality in public facilities, our startup can provide real-time insights, detecting issues such as pH levels soon to avoid corrosion, without the need for manual grab sampling.

At a time when the world is looking for solutions to tackle our greatest collective climate challenge, our H2Ok Innovations' AI / ML IoT system is supercharged to respond to the sustainability crisis. We're accelerating positive change, one process at a time, and excited for what's next.


Karin BloomKarin Bloom
